The Canto uses Grip Shift, Sora, and Alivio components while the Taiko has Shimano 105, Deore and LX.

"The concept of ‘perspective’ captures a central aspect of how meaning is constituted in interaction and how people share knowledge and experiences in discourse. 0 Comments I usually ride Burleys with the seat adjusted as vertical as it will go. Therefore, it has gained much scholarly attention in a variety of disciplines, most notably Cognitive Linguistics (e.g. The program contained 35 talksmore and there was ample time for lively discussions. Langacker 2008 Verhagen 2007), developmental psychology (e.g. 2005 Wellman 2011), and first and second language acquisition (e.g.

Clark 1997 Tomasello 2003 Robinson & Ellis 2009). In this talk I argue that the phenomenon of perspective-taking and -setting in language, cognition and interaction can be used as an integrative, interdisciplinary concept at the interface of these disciplines. My aim is it to extend the mutual dialogue between these disciplines in order to foster a fruitful and synergetic explication of the structure and cognitive foundations of perspectivation in discourse. This will be a series of videos following the modification processes on a Burley Canto from a couple decades ago.If you have a Canto, please respond with vid. In particular, I hold that a collaboration of these disciplines will yield a linguistically and psychologically grounded theory of how children learn to take and set perspectives in interaction.